The Gospel text for the 6th Sunday after Epiphany (Luke 6:17-26) is familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. The heart of it is the “Beatitudes,” the seemingly winsome but then difficult and paradoxical declarations by Jesus of what makes a person “blessed” or, in some translations, “happy.” Matthew’s version is much more prominent in […]
Monday Meditation: RCL Year C, 5th Sunday after Epiphany, Luke 5:1-11
On the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, the lectionary skips forward to a new chapter. Maybe they were aiming to keep Jesus from a tiny bit of embarrassment: Luke 4:31-44 recorded the wonders Jesus did in Capernaum, which back in 4:23 he seemed to say were already in the past. Luke 5:1-11 records the calling of […]
Monday Meditation: RCL Year C, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, John 2:1-11
This is the first time since I started writing these “Monday Meditations” that the Gospel text is something I’ve previously published on — like not on my own website, but in an actual book. John 2:1-11 Back in 2015 I had the privilege of writing the “Theological Perspective” essay on John 2:1-12 for Feasting on […]
Monday Meditation: RCL Year C, 1st Sunday after Christmas, Luke 2:41-52
My oh my, do little kids change fast. This Sunday Jesus is twelve years old. It seems like only a week ago he was a babe in Mary’s arms. Wait a minute. That really was just a week ago. The lectionary has jumped ahead a bit. There are a couple other passages concerning Christ’s infancy […]
Monday Meditation: RCL Year C, Advent 4, Luke 1:39-55
On the fourth Sunday of Advent the lectionary Gospel finally brings us to what we thought the whole of Advent should be about: the anticipation of the birth of Jesus. No more of John the Baptist and his wild preaching about turning the world upside down, leveling the mountains and filling up the valleys with […]