“Unforgivable!” That’s the cry when we are really hurting. I suspect sometimes it means “I can’t forgive that quite yet.” However, sometimes it sounds more like we are working with a confused definition of forgiveness. When I hear people talking about forgiveness it often sounds like they are thinking “Forgiveness means the wound in our […]
For All Our Physical Needs
They had always wanted a boat — and now they had it. They had always wanted to be in the open ocean — and now they were out there. They had never actually wanted a storm — but now they had one of those too. The pleasure of rolling on steady swells became pitching and […]
The Secret Ingredient Transforming Communities for Mission
I’m asleep in the early morning hours. There is a knock on my door, and a monk lets me know it is time to be in the chapel. Again. Praying. Again. Throughout the day it is a rhythm like breathing. To the chapel to pray. Back out to work. To the chapel to pray. Back out […]
Thy Will! No, No, MINE! No, THINE!
“It’s God’s will,” she said. “God told me this is what I am supposed to do.” I knew she wasn’t going to like it. I knew her and I knew what she was stepping into, and it was not a match. Fast forward two weeks. “It didn’t work out,” she said. Change of course. Back […]
Thy Representative Democracy Come?
When Jesus teaches us to pray for the future, his picture can sound a bit authoritarian: “Your kingdom come!” we are to pray. No matter how strongly we believe in enlightened, tolerant, participative government, when it comes to God we are in a monarchy. So what are we asking when we pray “Your kingdom come!”? […]