I was very pleased to discover that my six-week small-group study of the Heidelberg Catechism is now available on Kindle!

Apparently it came out on Kindle in May of 2013, but I didn’t hear about it. The paper copy came out in 2012. It is part of the “Being Reformed” series put out by the PC(USA)’s Congregational Ministries.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know I love the Heidelberg Catechism. It is a great introduction to basic Christian teaching — a synthesis of what Christians understand the Bible to be all about. I hope you’ll give this study a try.
Two great things about this new version:
1. The Kindle edition includes the full text of the Catechism, making it easier to use. (The paper version doesn’t have the text.)
2. The Kindle edition is easy to obtain. (The paper version is only available through the PC(USA) store.)
I’ve had some good feedback, especially from a presbytery that used it for an extended study. It is intended for adult groups, and each session has introductory essays and questions for discussion.
Six sessions for the whole Catechism is obviously just an introduction — far short of the traditional 52 week journey the Dutch Reformed churches take through it each year. There are advantages, though, to a shorter introduction: Flying a bit higher you get a bird’s-eye view of the whole.
And lots of churches and small groups can manage a six-week commitment.
Of course I would love to hear from you in the comments, especially if any of you have used it in groups.
If your group would consider taking it on, please let me know that too!
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