“Do I really need to pray?” I’ve heard the question often enough. It is easy to get stuck in puzzles and paradoxes on the topic, even if we know in our hearts and our guts that we need to pray: If God knows what I need, and loves me too, why do I need to […]
Providence at O’Hare
This week I found myself with first-world problems: a Monday evening flight was cancelled on account of snow. All the Tuesday flights were cancelled as well. The mercy of a gate agent led to a discount voucher for two nights at a hotel. Two nights and one full day cooped up in a hotel. Did I […]
So What About Accountability?
Some issues are like cut gems: there are lots of facets to look through and no single viewpoint will tell the whole story. The other day I was minding everyone’s business (aka looking at my Twitter news stream) and up pops a tweet from @Dawn_Morris1: “@garynealhansen how do you explain God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility/accountability?” […]
The Window Into My Soul
In college I had a lab job doing darkroom work, developing photographs taken by microscopes. The most fascinating were taken through electron microscopes — they revealed the inner structures you could never see from the surface. What looks into our faith like an electron microscope? “Tell me how it stands with your Christology,” says Karl […]
Where Did That Mess Come From?
In the novel Leaven of Malice Robertson Davies has one character tell another You are in a richly varied mess, true enough. But, much as I like you, I am clear-eyed enough to see that it is the outward and visible reflection of the inward and invisible mess which is your soul. What fascinates me is Davies’ […]