Matthew 5:13-20 In a children’s sermon on Matthew 5:13-20 the challenge is that in the text there actually are three distinct units. For a children’s sermon I think it is wisest to just pick one. (See my Monday Meditation on this same text through this link.) When telling a Bible story to children, I like […]
A Children’s Sermon: Matthew 5:1-12
A children’s sermon on Matthew 5:1-12, the Beatitudes, is challenging because Jesus makes so many different points — nine of them! I think one good way around the problem is to take just two of the beatitudes and talk about them in ways that they relate to a child’s world. I’d love to hear your […]
A Children’s Sermon on Matthew 4:12-23
This children’s sermon on Matthew 4:12-23 is my retelling of the story of the calling of the first disciples. Stories in the Bible are often bare outlines of things that happened, leaving many details to our imaginations. One knows there must have been more conversation than made it onto the pages of the Gospels. What […]
A Children’s Sermon on John 1:29-42
Last week I included a little children’s sermon as part of my Monday Meditation. One reader suggested I do more of these, and maybe post them separately. So here you go with one for this Sunday on John 1:29-42! If people like the idea I’ll do more, so let me know. By the way, you […]
Letters to a Young Pastor: The Children’s Sermon — Metaphors
Dear ______: Sorry I haven’t written for a while. I launched a new class, and that took my attention from most other things. But it sounds like in your field education position you are getting to continue your thinking about children’s sermons. As you wrote, My supervisor has a unique way of doing his children’s […]