Dear ______: Yes, you are right: I did say that in ministry God brings out gifts in ordinary people. And that can lead people to do extraordinary things. That is true everywhere in life, actually. But please don’t let that lead you into thinking that ministry makes you special. That dangerous way of thinking is […]
Letters to a Young Pastor: “Specialness A”
Dear ______: I suppose your question is natural. As you think about your growing sense that God is calling you to full-time Christian service you can’t be blamed for asking “Why ME?” But will it hurt your feelings if I tell you that the question is not very helpful? You wonder what is so special about you […]
Helping Christian Community Thrive: What Are Your Priorities?
I’m fascinated by the second chapter of Acts. On that first Christian Pentecost, Peter and the whole apostolic gang were hiding out. Then suddenly they were filled with God’s own Spirit. They left their bunker and joined the crowd at the great Jewish festival in Jerusalem and began to bear witness to Christ. Peter preached […]
Letters to a Young Pastor: Hearing God’s Side of the Conversation
Dear ______: I’m glad you like the idea of finding guidance for your life in Scripture—where God has always spoken, God does speak still. But you are right: there is a learning curve. It takes a while to get the big picture of things in the Bible. You have to invest some time before it can […]
Letters to a Young Pastor: A Reformed Approach to Divine Guidance
Dear ______: Yes, I agree, it would be awfully nice if God would speak up more often and give direct answers to our questions — like whether you are called to ministry. Most of us want divine guidance. We all face serious struggles and deep confusion at times. And it isn’t like God doesn’t care […]