How would you like to help me find a title for a new book project?
That question seems like a great way to step back into blogging, with the hopes that this time (1) I’ll be more consistent, and (2) I can begin to make this a more interactive community endeavor.
My first effort at blogging got swept away in a tumultuous summer. Then my first annual report from WordPress convinced me that getting back to it would be really worthwhile. I had only made 8 posts, but this little site got over 1000 views from a total of 10 countries! I’ll be linking the posts to Facebook and Twitter, and posting about twice a week. The focus (and possibly the address) will be changing to be more coherent — more on that fairly soon, but not today.
A few new followers have signed on here recently, having found me through Chad Allen’s blog where he is coaching me through the book proposal process. Welcome! And if you don’t know about Chad’s blog, check it out at the link above: he is generous and kind, with really useful insights, especially for writers.
Today’s task is to recruit your help.
I’m in the early stages of a book project on Christian community. I’ll be looking at six very different movements in the history of the Church that share a particular profile. Each one had a distinctive and intentional way of living out Christian community, and in each case the result was that they burst forth on the world doing of Christ’s work. That is, the ways they “did community” was not just about being cozy together. It took them deeper into the love of God, shaped who they were as disciples, and sent them forth in mission. This is world changing stuff — and Lord knows we need some life-giving models of Christian community today.
Let’s brainstorm titles and subtitles.
There are no wrong answers. I invite you to post as many titles and subtitles as you can think of. The real rewards are your own fun and my gratitude. However, if you are first to suggest a title or subtitle that actually gets used (assuming the book reaches publication) I’ll make sure you get a free copy!
So… What would you call such a book?
“When You Get Your Act Together, God Sends You Down the Road: What Christian Community is Good For”
Hey, thanks Jack. Feel free to make any other suggestions that come to mind… and who knows? Maybe some of the others will chime in.
Hi Gary,
I don’t think I know exactly what your book is about without reading more. But when I think of community I think of holding hands, putting heads together, being a part of a team. So maybe something like, “Join His Winning Team.”
Welcome M. Saint-Germain! And thanks for the follow on Twitter. Glad to have you in the conversation.
How about “Apostles Through the Ages: Models of Inspired Christian Community”?
Hey thanks Jody! Glad to have you here in the conversation. It was great to have you back in town these last weeks.