What is forgiveness? I’m sorry, we say. We did something that caused someone pain. No problem, they answer. Or That’s okay. What if they said I forgive you. It almost grates doesn’t it? If someone says they forgive us, it means they agree that we did them some harm. There was something that needed forgiving. Ouch. We’re much […]
Okay, Why “Trespasses,” “Debts” and “Sins”? (Heidelberg Catechism Q119)
One peril of visiting a new church comes when it is time to pray. At least if the congregation of a traditional flavor they will wrap up with something like “Now let join our voices in the prayer Christ himself has taught us, saying…” It all goes fine for a while: …Father… …Name… …kingdom… …will… …daily […]
Get Out of Debt God’s Way (Heidelberg Catechism Q. 13)
Most of us know what it is like to carry a burden of debt. College and grad school cost a bundle. A house and a car have most us making payments. Credit cars seduce us to buy now and pay later. That is an everyday scenario in our consumer society. How are we going to […]