Preface for Pastors and Parents
The last two times we’ve been through Year B of the lectionary I’ve hesitated to write a children’s sermon on Mark 14:1-15:47. That’s the entire passion story which is assigned as the Gospel reading on what most of us think of as “Palm Sunday.”
(I’m writing this in a week for which I’ve already posted a children’s sermon. You can find it here.)
On the one hand I hesitate to do a children’s sermon on Mark 14:1-15:47 because it’s so very long. Two full chapters of the last day of Jesus’ life! How can I make that fit the attention span of a seven year old?
On the other hand, the content of the passion story is pretty rough for kids. I don’t want to hide any of God’s story, but think about it: when the 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ” came out, with its attempt to portray these scenes as vividly as possible, it got an “R” rating. Hopefully the kids really love Jesus. When someone you love dies, it is hard. I want to soften the blow, not traumatize them.
The Passion and Kids
Yes, you definitely do need Jesus’ passion. There is much to meditate on, a great depth of meaning, in Christ willingly undergoing crucifixion. It’s crucial to salvation. It fulfills a rich tapestry of Old Testament prophesies. It makes the resurrection really the Good News.
But how likely is it that a small child can grasp all of that? In preparing a children’s sermon on Mark 14:1-15:47 the key thing is to discern what a child can grasp and find helpful.
My approach? I’m taking a page from Jesus’ own playbook, thinking about how gently and persistently Jesus told his disciples what was to come. Rather than spanning two chapters of the Gospel, I’m stretching back to parts of seven! You can tell me if you think it works.
A Children’s Sermon on Mark 14:1-15:47
Good morning kids! I’m so glad you are here today. Thank you for coming up to hear the children’s sermon. Today is Palm Sunday. It’s the beginning of Holy Week.
On Palm Sunday, many churches like to remember everything that happened in the last two days of Jesus life. It is a hard story to listen to. It is a story of very serious things. It’s a story some people find scary. It makes many people feel sad.
Jesus Helped Them Get Ready
Jesus knew all along that he was going to die. He knew that when he died his friends would be sad and afraid. He thought it might help if they knew that he would come back, alive again. So he tried to help them get ready.
One day Jesus said to his friends, “Pretty soon some hard things are going to happen. They are going to arrest me, and hurt me, and kill me. But don’t worry—I’ll be alive again on the third day!”
The disciples didn’t want to hear about bad things happening to Jesus. They loved Jesus!
So Peter said to Jesus, “No way! Jesus you can’t say that! You can’t let them hurt you and kill you!”
But what Jesus said was true.
A week later, they were all walking through Galilee.
Jesus said to his friends, “Pretty soon some hard things are going to happen. They are going to arrest me, and hurt me, and kill me. But don’t worry—I’ll be alive again on the third day!”
That time Jesus’ friends were scared. They didn’t know what to say. They didn’t say anything. But what Jesus said was true.
They traveled on. Days passed, and still the disciples were worried about what Jesus had said.
But a third time, Jesus said to his friends, “Pretty soon some hard things are going to happen. They are going to arrest me, and hurt me, and kill me. But don’t worry—I’ll be alive again on the third day!”
Holy Week
Finally Jesus and his friends arrived in Jerusalem.
On Sunday he rode into town on a donkey. The people sang songs and waved palm branches. It was a big celebration!
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Jesus taught in the temple.
On Thursday Jesus had a special supper with his friends. He told them the bread was his body, and the wine was his blood.
We still remember that meal when we have the Lord’s Supper in church.
After supper Jesus and his friends went to a garden so Jesus could spend time praying.
Good Friday
And then it was Friday.
On Friday everything happened just as Jesus had been telling them.
Soldiers came to arrest Jesus.
They took Jesus to the religious leaders. They accused Jesus of doing bad things.
They took Jesus to the government leaders. Again they accused Jesus of doing bad things.
They hurt Jesus’ body.
They hung him on a cross.
And finally, he died.
Then some people took Jesus’ body and laid him in a tomb.
And they all went home to wait for Sunday morning. Because Sunday morning is when Jesus said he would come back alive again.
I wonder what Jesus’ friends were feeling when Jesus predicted that he would suffer, and die, and come back?
I wonder what Jesus’ friends were feeling when they saw people arrest Jesus, and accuse him, and hurt him?
I wonder what Jesus’ friends were feeling after Jesus died, while they waited for Sunday morning?
You are, of course, free to use this children’s sermon, or adapt it as you find most useful. But, if you use it, please do one (or more!) of the following.
- You can let me know that you are using it, either in the comments below, or using the contact form above.
- You can put a little notice in your church bulletin that your children’s sermon is adapted from one published on GaryNealHansen.com.
- You can support my work over on Patreon. (Just $1 per month brings my children’s sermons straight to your inbox about two minutes after they go live. And every little bit keeps me going…)
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