Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus is fascinating, but what is the best way to introduce it in a children’s sermon?
(I’ve written grown-up meditations on this text a couple of times. One is here for Trinity of Year B, and one is here for Lent 2 of Year A.)
My first inclination with a Gospel text is to tell the story. But this scene has very little narrative action: Nicodemus and Jesus just sit there and talk.
A conversation can have its own flow and drama. But this conversation is actually kind of confusing, with the two men seeming to miss each other’s meaning.
I think the too-easy route is to talk about John 3:16. In our culture that verse has so much gravity that we tend to think it is the biggest and best thing going on here. In my observation, we tend to assume a whole lot of theological concepts when we bring up that text. (That’s one of the things I wrote about in my Monday Meditation on this passage.)
If I try and focus my conversation with the children on John 3:16, there is potential for trouble, with me talking right over their heads. Kids are not steeped in this culture’s version of the faith. They don’t have the concepts of atonement or being “born again” in their heads.
So I settled on telling the kids what Jesus said about God’s Spirit.
But even having made that decision, the hardest part of writing a children’s sermon is keeping to it. I wrote this three times, because I kept bogging down in other aspects of the text!
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, whether in the comments or by email.
A Children’s Sermon on John 3:1-17
I wonder if you’ve ever thought about how strange it is that we can’t see God.
We believe in God.
We come to church to worship God.
But sometimes it seems like loving God would be so much easier if we lived back in Jesus’ time. I love the stories of the Bible about Jesus. As Christians we believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. So when Jesus was there, walking around, helping people, we really do see God in action.
If we lived in Jesus’ time, we could always know exactly how God thinks and feels. If we had big questions for God, we could just find Jesus and ask him.
Well let me tell you a story from the Bible. It’s about a time when Jesus showed us that he understands our problem exactly.
One night, Jesus had a visitor. It was a man named Nicodemus, and he was struggling with some big questions. Nicodemus said
Jesus, I know you came from God. Maybe you have some wisdom from God on my big questions.
So, late into the night, Jesus and Nicodemus talked.
The Bible tells us only a little bit about their conversation. But one thing they talked about was how hard it is to know God when we can’t see God.
Jesus told Nicodemus that God’s Holy Spirit is kind of like the wind that blows all around us.
I wonder if you’ve ever looked out the window and seen the trees waving back and forth. You know by looking at the trees that the wind is blowing. But you can’t see the wind.
I wonder if you’ve ever been out walking on a really stormy day. Maybe the wind was pushing you right over and you had to lean over while you walked just to stay on your feet. You can feel the wind. It’s powerful. But you can’t see the wind.
Here’s how Jesus said it when he was talking to Nicodemus:
The wind blows where it chooses,
and you hear the sound of it,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8 NRSV)
I think Jesus was telling us that God is around us all the time, moving like the wind. And just like the wind, we can’t see God. But just as we see the trees move and know the wind is blowing, sometimes we can see how God moves things in the world.
I’d say, whenever we see things happen that are the same kinds of things Jesus did, we can know that God’s Spirit has been blowing through.
- I wonder if when you’ve been sick and got better, if maybe God’s Spirit was blowing through to heal you.
- I wonder if when you felt hurt or sad, and your favorite grown-up gave you a big hug, if maybe God’s Spirit was blowing through to comfort you.
- I wonder if when you saw someone at school who was lonely and you talked to them, and were kind to them, if maybe God’s Spirit was blowing in you, and through you, to help them know they are okay.
You are, of course, free to use this children’s sermon, or adapt it as you find most useful. But, if you use it, please do one (or more!) of the following.
- You can let me know that you are using it, either in the comments below, or using the contact form above.
- You can put a little notice in your church bulletin that your children’s sermon is adapted from one published on GaryNealHansen.com.
- You can support my work over on Patreon. (Just $1 per month brings my children’s sermons straight to your inbox about two minutes after they go live. And every little bit keeps me going…)
Loved this lesson and plan on using it for children’s time tomorrow. Will be giving you credit.
Rhonda Troll
Nixon FUMC
Nixon, TX
Hooray! Thanks Rhonda. I’d love to hear how it goes.
(This was from last year, but most weeks I’m publishing new ones. If you subscribe to my newsletter you’ll get them most Fridays via email links.)
I think it gets right to the point for children to understand. Thank you.
Thanks so much Daryl!
Gary, thank you so much for all these free Children sermons. I was searching for something on John 3:1-17. I think using your Sermon on Nicodemus coming late to talk to Jesus. It was just what I needed to use with my Memorial Weekend in my Sunday School classroom.
Nancy McCann
Hi Nancy!
You are very welcome. It’s a labor of love for the next generation.
I’m glad you are using this one, and hope you’ll come back again soon…
Thank you for the story. I will be using it today! I’m desperately looking for a book called Yen and Yelda. I will be adapting your story. Going on 50 year memory. Your story helps me at this time!
Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
Sorry I can’t help you with the book you are looking for. Good luck!
Spot on. I’ve been struggling with how to engage this passage. Your approach gives both the children as well as the adults lots of spiritual food for thought. Thank you. Will give you credit and explore your website.
Thank you Ed! I’m so glad you found it helpful. (And I’d love to hear how they respond.)
Enjoy exploring the site. I aim to bring out a new children’s sermon each week — and if you subscribe they’ll find their way to your inbox.
Blessings on you and your ministry,
Gary, I’ve finally agreed to join the Children’s Moment team at church. I was assigned John 3:1-17 and thought this will be an easy one talking about how God loved the world, not just some people. Then I thought about explaining being born again, but I was like Nicodemus, not fully understanding. We live at the beach and the wind blows constantly here. After reading your message, I thought this would be perfect, one that the children will really relate to. I’ll let you know how it goes.
That’s terrific! I hope it goes really well — and that you and the children are richly blessed as you continue in ministry and worship together.
Thank you for sharing this sermon. Like others above, I was excited to talk to the Littles about this gospel reading, as an adult I love all of the wisdom in it! But I got stuck when trying to put things in terms the Littles can understand. I will use your sermon to help them get meaning from the passage tomorrow morning and will give you credit for the sermon.
Thanks Jena!
I’m so glad you found it helpful.
Come back soon.
I am going to use this for my children’s message tomorrow. My minister is using John 3: 1-17 and I try to stay on the same page. The wind is blowing all the time at our church and the kids will totally “get it.” Thanks so much.
Thanks Debbie!
I’m really glad you are using it. I hope you’ll come back soon. (If you subscribe via email the new ones will come to you most Fridays.)
adapting this for my children’s sermon tomorrow 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
That’s great Lauren! I hope it goes really well.
Always delighted to find your Children’s Sermon when it’s my turn to be Families Minister, you always make them so interesting and understandable. Our youngsters enjoy adding their thoughts and ideas which are shared on our Families Board, for everyone to see and with much thanks to you!
Anne (Peterborough UK)
Hooray! Thanks Anne. Always so glad to hear from you.
I’m adapting this wonderful children’s sermon for next Sunday. Thank you for such a great illustration!
That’s great Jen!
Thanks for letting me know. I hope you’ll subscribe so I can send you my new ones as they roll out.
This is wonderful and I plan to use it this coming Sunday. Thank you for this incredible resource!
You are so welcome, Jessie!
Glad you found my site.
Please be in touch!
This is a wonderful sermon for children and I am adapting it for the adults this Sunday!
Thank you for your generosity in sharing your gifts with us.
Blessings to you!
Awesome Rebecca!
Wish I could be there to hear how you adapt it.
(If you stream services, you could send me a link using the contact form in the top menu…)
Thank you I plan to use this Sunday and will give you credit
That’s great Deb! I hope it goes really well.
Very Nice. I’ll be using it this Sunday.
Thanks for letting me know, Frank. I hope it goes well!
Stop by again soon…
I used excerpts from this sermon for a morning prayer at my school. It helped me to write my reflection.
That’s great Kahiria!
I’m so glad to be of help.
Hope you’ll stop by again soon…
Thank you for posting this sermon. I am just back from a Spiritual Retreat where we did many different activities which was really about how many ways the Spirit comes to us. And this fits and we have actually talked about the Spirit as being like wind and I think the children can connect to this image. It works for me as well.
That is so awesome, Marianne!
I’m so happy the Spirit blew you toward my site.
Stop by again soon. (Or better still, subscribe!)
Thank you for centering in on the Holy Spirit in this sermon. It is perfect for children and adults alike, and I plan to use this sermon on Sunday!
Terrific! Thanks for letting me know, Julie.
Thank you. I plan to use this on Sunday, May 26.
I’m so glad, Toni!
I’d love to hear how the kids respond.
Interesting take on this passage. I love the real life examples of God blowing through others. That is tangible for kids! Plan to use parts for a message tomorrow.
Thanks for letting me know, Kari!
I hope it goes really well.
Thank you so much for this Children’s Sermon. It is just what I was looking for for tomorrow’s sermon. I have several other options in books containing children’s sermons, but yours is a much better explanation for my mixed age audience.
Thanks Terri!
So glad you found it useful.
Stop by again soon…
Thanks so much! I plan to adapt this for our time for children tomorrow. I appreciate your insights.
You are very welcome, Mary. And thank you for your affirming words!
I hope it goes really well.
I am planning on using your sermon in children’s church and will give you credit.
That’s great, Debby. I hope the kids enjoy it!
P.S. Sorry I misspelled your name when I first replied. I corrected it when I spotted it.
We are off lectionary and I’m preaching on Nicodemus on Sunday. The Spirit is at work! I happened to open a devotion by Eugene Peterson that focused on v. 8 for today and then I found, for the first time, your children’s sermons. I’ll be using the children’s sermon for Sunday. Thank you for sharing it.
You are very welcome, Pr Christina!
So glad you found my site, and that I had something useful for your ministry.
I hope you’ll subscribe so all my new children’s sermons can come straight to your inbox…
Thank you, Gary! I will adapt this children’s sermon to use on August 18 for the children of our church. Blessings to you!
You are very welcome Lauren! Thanks for letting me know. Stop by again soon…