To be a competent, confident follower of Jesus, you need more than a few Bible basics. You need Scripture to lead you to growth and new life, consistently, for a lifetime.
You need to really love your Bible–but in today’s society, fewer and fewer Christians really do. We get stuck.
Some think Scripture is too tough, too foreign, for anyone but a scholar.
Some bog down in the world’s intellectual objections.
Too many Christians do not even know where to start.
Love Your Bible: Finding Your Way to the Presence of God with a 12th Century Monk will help.
It is a modern Christian’s introduction to lectio divina, the ancient Christian practice of moving through the Bible into the presence of God as taught by the 12th century monk Guigo II—so you can finally Love Your Bible.
It is free to subscribers on GaryNealHansen.com. Click the button below and I’ll send you a copy: